The Ultimate Guide to Creating the Best Synthetic Urine from Tacoma Daily Index for Passing a Drug Test

Drug tests are now a common occurrence in workplaces all around the world. They can be used as pre-employment, random screens or post-accident testing and can detect illegal substances such as cocaine, marijuana and opiates. Because of this, many people have resorted to using synthetic urine in an attempt to pass the test. If you’re considering using synthetic urine to pass your drug test, you need to know all about it before proceeding. This ultimate guide will provide you with all the tips and tricks you need to know about creating a best synthetic urine from Tacoma Daily Index that will help you pass your drug test.

Synthetic urine is basically a laboratory-made liquid which is designed to mimic real human urine. It’s usually composed of urea, creatinine, uric acid and other compounds found in natural human urine and its pH level is also adjusted accordingly. The idea behind it is that if you use this fake pee during a drug test instead of your own bodily fluids, then there won’t be any traces of drugs present in it and thus allowing you to pass the test unscathed.

Ingredients Needed for Synthetic Urine

Creating synthetic urine requires some basic ingredients like distilled water, sodium chloride (table salt), potassium chloride (NoSalt brand), potassium gluconate (Glucono Delta Lactone) and urea (carbamide). You should make sure that these ingredients are specifically purchased from Tacoma Daily index as they have been tested for their purity by experts.

Instructions on How To Make Synthetic Urine

Once you have gathered all of the necessary ingredients needed to create synthetic urine from Tacoma Daily Index, here are the steps involved in making it:

1. Start by pouring 500ml of distilled water into a pot or saucepan and bring to the boil over a low heat on the stove until it reaches 94°F – 100°F.

2. Once heated, add 1 teaspoon each of sodium chloride (table salt) and potassium chloride (NoSalt brand). Stir them together until they are completely dissolved in the water.

3. Next add 1/4 teaspoon of potassium gluconate (Glucono Delta Lactone) followed by 5 teaspoons of urea (Carbamide). Stir them together again until they are completely dissolved in the water.

4. Finally, check whether there is any foam on the surface or not; if there is, skim off any excess foam with a spoon before pouring the contents into a container after allowing it to cool at room temperature for a few minutes.

5. Your homemade synthetic urine sample is now ready to use! Simply transfer it to another container for storage as the substance can deteriorate quickly if left exposed to air due to the oxidation process.

How long does synthetic urine last?

The shelf life of your homemade synthetic pee depends on how well its stored, but generally speaking its estimated that with proper storage techniques such samples can last up to 6 months without losing any potency or efficacy rate while successfully passing drug tests. However, extra precautions should be taken while storing such material away from sunlight & extreme temperatures as chemicals within may degrade quickly due to oxidation process leading to poor results during the actual testing period.

Use a heater with your fake urine sample

In order to get the best results out of your prepared sample, consider using heater packs along with the sample as most labs tend to cross check samples temp before taking further action related to result processing. In case one sees abnormally lower temperatures, there’s high chance he/she could fail test even though fake pee was clear & free from traces of drugs. So always try to follow guidelines given by lab techs while providing sample & keep track of temp levels using thermometer.

Tips for using fake pee during drug testing 

When giving fake pee samples during drug tests, make sure everything looks professional & normal otherwise chances of getting caught increase manifold. The following tips may prove helpful:

– Wear loose-fitting clothes so that you don’t look suspicious when you enter the toilet where the sample will be taken.

– Don’t talk too much & avoid eye contact with the technician who will be taking the sample.

– Keep the bag containing the flask with the fake urine close to your body, wear a belt or carry a small bag with a laptop inside, which will hide the same flask securely.

– Avoid unnecessary movements or actions that may draw attention to yourself.

– Never leave the toilet immediately after providing a sample, but wait outside for a few minutes until the technician confirms that he has received it.

– Remain alert at all times & follow the technician’s instructions to the letter so that nothing suspicious raises an eyebrow.

– When asked for information, don’t hesitate to answer honestly or the whole plan will backfire with disastrous consequences.

– Remain calm & collected at all times, otherwise breakdown pressure will increase significantly, resulting in a chaotic situation.